How to Promote Beats Online – 50 Beat Marketing Tips

Here are the best tips on how to promote beats online to get your music heard. Being a successful music producer involves more than just creating beats.

It requires effective marketing, networking, and the right platform to showcase your talent. It’s important to remember that the journey of promoting your beats online is not a one-size-fits-all process.

It is about experimenting with different marketing ideas and seeing which ones work best for you.

As a music producer, your goal is to ensure your beats find the right people, the ones who will appreciate your sound and spread it further. From creating beat-making videos on YouTube to networking with other artists on Twitter, there are numerous ways to promote your beats.

I have written many articles on how to promote beats, and below is a collection of the best tips. For more beat marketing tips, click the title of each section to see visual examples and infographics.

Need a beat-selling website? check out the Music Maker WordPress Theme.

How to Promote Beats Online - 50 Beat Marketing Tips
How to Promote Beats Online Beat Marketing Tips

Here are 3 essentials you need to succeed at selling beats online:

  1. Professional beats – Your beats need to sound good for people to want to pay for them.
  2. Competitive beat pricing for your targeted audience. Your beats need to be priced right.
  3. Offer an easy way to buy and download beats instantly.

Let’s get started…

How to Market Beats

Promote Beats on YouTube

How to Market Beats on Youtube - Sell Beats on YouTube
Sell Beats on YouTube
  1. Create beat-making videos.
  2. Remix popular songs to showcase your music production skills.
  3. Create beat instrumental videos.
  4. Create informative video content that your customers will find helpful.
  5. Promote your finished projects.
  6. Show yourself working behind the scenes with other music producers and music artists.
  7. Offer contest giveaways. People love free things.
  8. Create video teasers on upcoming work.

Read more info on how to promote beats on YouTube.

Promote Beats on Twitter

How to Promote on Twitter | Sell Beats on Twitter
Sell Beats on Twitter
  1. Focus on content marketing to create helpful content that is targeted to your audience. Music Producer Blogging Tips.
  2. Network with other music producers and music artists.
  3. Search for potential customers ( Music Artists ) and build a relationship with them. Don’t wait for them to find you. Don’t just focus on trying to sell to them.
  4. Offer limited-time beat sales.
  5. Retweet articles that your audience may find helpful.
  6. Share entertaining videos.

Read more beat marketing ideas on how to promote beats on Twitter.

Promote Beats on SoundCloud

How to Promote Beats on SoundCloud
Market Beats On SoundCloud
  1. Include your website address & social profile links on your SoundCloud profile.
  2. Include quality artwork with your beats.
  3. Include audio tags with your website address.
  4. Include direct links to buy your beats.
  5. Add popular hashtags to your beats.
  6. Have professional graphics on your SoundCloud banner.

For more beat marketing tips check out how to promote beats on SoundCloud.

Promote Beats on Facebook

Promote on Facebook | Sell Beats Online
Sell Beats on FaceBook
  1. Become friends with music artists and build a relationship with them.
  2. Pre-schedule your Facebook posts to have a consistent posting schedule.
  3. Post in Facebook groups.
  4. Pay to boost your posts. Promote your website, beat instrumental videos, sales, etc.
  5. Offer free giveaways.
  6. Use Facebook to collect email addresses to market too.

More beat marketing tips on how to market beats on Facebook.

Promote Beats on Instagram

How to Promote Beats on Instagram
  1. Follow other music producers and music artists.
  2. Repost popular content to get more shares.
  3. Add popular hashtags to your Instagram posts.
  4. Post at peak times to get the most views of your post.
  5. Include your beat website link in the bio of your profile.
  6. Get creative with content to stand out.
  7. Offer limited-time beat promotions.
  8. Use high-quality graphics to look professional.

View more beat marketing tips on how to market beats on Instagram.

Promote Beats Through Email

How to Promote Beats Through Email

Here are a couple of email marketing tips for music producers selling beats.

  1. Write interesting headlines to get people to open your emails.
  2. Keep the text short. Make the email easy to scan.
  3. Don’t constantly try to sell. Share useful information to help build a relationship with your audience.
  4. Test emails thoroughly before sending.
  5. Use spell check and check for bad grammar.
  6. Offer free beats to get more email signups.

More tips on how to promote beats via email.

How to Promote Your Beat Selling Website

How to Promote Your Beat Selling Website
  1. Write helpful articles directed towards your audience.
  2. Offer free beats to get more traffic.
  3. Include your web address in your email signature.
  4. Add your URL to all your social profiles.
  5. Learn Search Engine Optimization to be found through search engines.
  6. Pay for advertising.
  7. Write guest posts on other websites.
  8. Offer an affiliate program to encourage others to promote your beats and website.
  9. Participate in music forums to build a name for yourself and generate traffic to your website.
  10. Post website updates to social media. Don’t spam. Post helpful information.

More tips on how to promote your beat selling website.

Related: How to Create a Website

Gaining Fans Through Social Media

This video by DJ Pain 1 gives great advice for musicians and music artists on how to market music online.

Helpful Visitor Comments

Social media and word of mouth is the best way to get your beats out there.
– Quedawiz

YouTube is really great if you not only want to promote but also get people to know the man behind the beats.
– Yesndeed beats

I have found to be a good place to showcase your beats, especially through the beat battles.
– APDcrypt

I use SoundCloud, YouTube and Twitter. Helps to comment on other people’s work, and work with other artists/producers.
– KC

Hanging around local recording studios. I meet rappers, and have a really good follow up system.
– Harold

Doing free mixtapes for artist and using a mailing list.
– Bryce Wonder

I have a mixtape of beats on and use SoundCloud as a website to send artists to listen to my tracks.
– EZ Rider

Network Network Network.
Think bigger than artists… think audio content… being I rhyme & produce and now into film both acting and composing my circles are crazy.

Create a Beat Selling Website Today!

Our Beat Selling Website Template offers a full website package with a beat store with automated beat downloads, discounts, a photo gallery, a product store, a blog, unlimited pages, and much more.

Promoting and selling beats online is a multi-faceted task that requires not just skill in creating good beats, but also a knack for marketing and creating connections.

Beat-selling marketplaces are abundant, providing numerous opportunities for beat makers to sell their beats online fast and reach a wider audience.

To succeed in the music industry, it is important to create a high-quality website and utilize social media platforms in an effective manner.

Platforms like YouTube can be used to post beats and create engaging YouTube videos that catch the attention of the YouTube algorithm and surface your beats to more people. By using other people’s posts as inspiration, you can come up with new content that resonates with your audience.

Having an active producer Instagram account can help increase your visibility in the beat-making business. Use this platform to showcase your best beats, engage with other producers, and keep your followers updated on new music.

Don’t forget to experiment with offering exclusive beats on your own website or beat marketplaces to attract more followers.

Remember, the goal is to make your beats surface and become someone’s favorite beats. This might involve experimenting with different marketing strategies like Google AdWords, offering a one-time discount or extra incentives, or even giving away a free beat as a lead magnet.

Consider offering more features on your quality website, such as a large catalog of beats, special offers, and social proof in the form of testimonials or reviews.

In most cases, you can start promoting your beats with a free plan on various platforms and upgrade as you start selling more beats.

To sell beats online fast, leverage the power of other platforms like instrumental marketplaces, streaming platforms, and other social media platforms.

Offer sales, post new beats, and continuously engage with more people. It might be time-consuming, but the potential benefits are worth it.

Lastly, never underestimate the power of networking and collaboration. Engage with other producers, learn from them, and consider working together to create new beats. Collaborating with a famous rapper could also give your beats a significant boost.

Remember, in the beat market, it’s all about making your beats stand out and reaching as many potential buyers as possible.

So, keep experimenting, don’t give up if one method doesn’t work, and always strive to offer the best beats online. With perseverance and creativity, you’ll find plenty of success in this exciting industry.

Here are some bonus tips: Keep your email list engaged with new content and special offers. In most cases, your first step to gaining more followers is to provide value.

Make time for making beats, but also make time for promoting them. And finally, always be open to learning and trying new strategies.

The music producer’s journey is a constant learning experience, so keep your mind open and your beats fresh.

If you’re new to selling beats, please check out our guide on How to Sell Beats Online.

I hope you found this article helpful.

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How Do You Promote Beats Online?

Mark V.

Written By Mark Valenzuela

Mark Valenzuela is a professional blogger, entrepreneur, and educator with more than 15 years of experience in music production. In 2008, Mark founded Hip Hop Makers, a top resource for aspiring music producers and beatmakers. He specializes in content on music production, software, gear, and free music resources. Committed to empowering creators of all levels, Mark continues to inspire and help music creators pursue their dreams.

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  1. I sell G-Funk beats and tried a voucher once: buy one beat and get one for free.

  2. Thanks for the tip…i had a problem with mastering because i used to do it almost in one sitting

  3. 10 beats for 10.00? Wow!!!!

  4. how about tyring to promote the artists on your beats i am on a album and mixtape and i help promote the artists on my beats i am getting more traffic and sales i see allot of beatmakers online saying they sold 1000 beats but got no 1000 songs to proof it

  5. It can be a challenge but I promote my music in person and on social media (youtube, instagram, FB). Definitely having your own website will help as it will serve as a hub for all things relating to you and your music.

  6. I use soundcloud, YouTube and Twitter. Helps to comment on other people’s work, and work with other artists/producers.

  7. I’m currently hosting my beats on soundcloud, and youtube. I’m building up my bandcamp page, and I’m definitely going to check out datpiff after reading the other comments. I think online promotion is great, but networking with rappers and other producers face to face is how you make an impression. I’d love to network with any of the producers that posted in this forum. Check out my latest work and give me some feed back. It’d be sincerely appreciated.

    Yours Truly,

    The Hatch

  8. I think that everyone in the comments definitely have good ways of promoting their music. Personally I use almost everything mentioned above, however I have a few ideas that might be useful as well. I have found to be a good place to showcase your beats, especially through the beat battles. Another site I’m on is ReverbNation which is a great place to connect with other artists. Last but not least I have found a significant amount of exposure from my craigslist ad in the musician section of community. I receive hits on my music daily from craigslist. Thank you all for your advice as well!

  9. Back about 8 years ago I only used beat selling sites. I stopped because I felt like I was wasting my time. So I gave up and only delt with people one on one offline. Then that slowed down due to people not wanting to pay. But recently my fiance has given me the confidence plus the drive to learn more about marketing and things like that. It’s like I’m starting from scratch but now I’m more organized. Where as before my files would be scattered everywhere and kept on unlabled CDs that became worn, torn, and scratched to death. So I my first step was to get a powerful computer. Best investment I ever made. Now it’s off to the future. Peace!

  10. I currently use social media to directly target my audience. I send positive feedback, wait for a reply, offer free beat, follow up with guaranteed sale… Success!!

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