Here are the Best Beat-Making Videos posted on this website compiled into one article.
We love watching be making videos because they inspire us to do better and give us insight into how other music producers create. So check out some of these popular beat-making videos.
I have beat videos by J. Cole, Hopsin, Hit-Boy, Soulja Boy, and many more.
Popular Beat Making Videos
- The Making of Rick Ross’s “The Devil Is a Lie”
- Sikwitit Featuring Topic & Bobby Sessions
- J. Cole Making “Power Trip”
- Hit-Boy Making Beyonce’s “Bow Down” in FL Studio
- Hopsin Makes a Beat in FL Studio
- Soulja Boy Shows How He Made Beats in FL Studio
- Jake One Making Drake’s “Furthest Thing”
- Jake One Making Rick Ross’s “3 Kings” ft. Jay Z and Dr. Dre
- JO A Makes a Beat in 1 Minute
- CeCe G Female Producer Making Beats in FL Studio
- Jaisu Beat Tape Vol. 1 to 7
- 10 Year Old Girl on The MPC
- Chebit Making Beats on the Akai MPC
- DJ Khalil Making The Clipse “Kinda Like A Big Deal” in Reason
- Cardiak Making Meek Mill’s “Lean Wit It” in FL Studio
- Beat Making Video with Vodka Bottle
- Cardiak Making Eminem’s “Groundhog Day”
- See How This Music Producer Turns His Laptop Into a Studio
Related: How to Make Beat Making Videos
The Making of Rick Ross’s “The Devil Is a Lie”
Major Seven shows us how he created Rick Ross’s “The Devil Is a Lie” with Native Instruments Maschine. This song also features Jay Z.
Sikwitit Featuring Topic & Bobby Sessions
J. Cole Making “Power Trip”
J. Cole shares the creative process behind the production of “Power Trip” featuring Miguel. Wait for the sneak peek of a potential Jay Z track at the end.
Hit-Boy Making Beyonce’s “Bow Down” in FL Studio
Hit-Boy breaks down the production for “Bow Down”, which is a track for Beyonce.
Hopsin Makes a Beat in FL Studio
Watch Hopsin make a couple of beats in FL Studio and record some vocals.
Soulja Boy Shows How He Made Beats in FL Studio
Soulja Boy shares how he made some of his most popular songs in FL Studio.
Jake One Making Drake’s “Furthest Thing”
Jake One shares how he created Drake’s “Furthest Thing” in Pro Tools.
Jake One Making Rick Ross’s “3 Kings” ft. Jay Z and Dr. Dre
JO A Makes a Beat in 1 Minute
JO A sets a challenge to make a beat in 1 minute. What are your thoughts?
CeCe G Female Producer Making Beats in FL Studio
Here is a cool beat-making video by music producer CeCe G making a beat in FL Studio.
Jaisu Beat Tape Vol. 1 to 7
Check out these beat videos of Jaisu on the Akai MPC. Jaisu has some great skills in finding good samples and chopping them up.
10 Year Old Girl on The MPC
Diana sampled herself playing the piano and then chopped up the samples on the Akai MPC. We like this video because it shows how simple beatmaking can beat for some beats.
Chebit Making Beats on the Akai MPC
Here is a creative Hip Hop instrumental by Chebit on the Akai MPC 1000.
DJ Khalil Making The Clipse “Kinda Like A Big Deal” in Reason
Cardiak Making Meek Mill’s “Lean Wit It” in FL Studio
Beat Making Video with Vodka Bottle
Cardiak Making Eminem’s “Groundhog Day”
See How This Music Producer Turns His Laptop Into a Studio
Meet Grammy-nominated music producer Oak Felder to see how he is using mobile production in his music creation.
I hope you enjoyed these beat-making videos.
What are your favorite beat videos?
Hate him or not, the boy is making money, while the world still text hating on Soulja boy, the video demo show that he’s hands on, in tune or not, i’m sure he’s applying quantization after the “performance”, which is the whole point, hip hop is the easiest form of music to emulate using simple very capable tools.
The problem with all the Soulja Boy haters is that he shows how u can do more with less thanks to technology. All the MPC’s, Motifs, Fantoms, etc. are all emulatible by software, don’t blame this kid, blame the software technologies, like drum machines ain’t software in a box. Hip Hop/Rap is not music in the traditional sense of the word, it’s all about buggin’ out having fun over drum patterns, it’s not Mozart people.
Looks like the boy JO A must have sold some beats and re-up’d on some brand new gear!!! Hahaha. Interesting challenge though.
nah…he signed a deal with sony atv
awesome :O I want to have skill like that one day
Soulija Boy is weak as hell, but he did turn sh*t into sugar how can you not respect him 4 that…Fruity Loops is beautiful its the mpc,fantom,etc.al2gether,I use all of it,expand your knowledge to all software/hardware its worth it.
y yall hatin on dude wit wut he use? worry about ur own equipment an quit focusing on other producers. focus on gettin yallmusic heard at these labels an becoming successful in yall own right.
I once thought hardware was better then software,I WAS WRONG!!!!!!what you can do with hardeware i can do with software 10 times better.And thats with fl studio,or logic IT’S NOT THE MACHINE,OR SOFTWARE IT’S THE MAN BEHIND THE MACHINE,OR SOFTWARE…. p.s. i have a mpc thats under my couch……and a mpd 24 that gets it done the same way,son>>>>
Yea, he really doesn’t have a single ounce of talent but, he’s getting paid regardless. I’ll never understand…
good job guys
he really just playd rugrats theme song?
he probably pirated FL when he made Crank Dat