If you are creating a new website, here is a website checklist of things you should look out for before making your website live to the world.
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Here are a few questions you should ask yourself when building a website.
Music Website Checklist
Question: What is the overall goal of your website?
Whatever it is creating a great user experience is a must.

You need to make it incredibly easy for your website visitor to do what you want them to do.
So you need to think about how graphics, text, links, widgets, and banners all affect your goal.
If distractions are getting in the way of that goal, get rid of them.
You may have many goals, but you need to set priority levels on your goals.
What’s more important, getting a new social fan or making money off selling a beat? What’s more important, having a big banner to an affiliate link or collecting emails to market to in the future?
You need to eliminate distractions to reach your website goals.
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Launching Your Website
- Is your website easy to use and navigate? ( Get a second opinion )
- Do you have a distracting website background image that distracts visitors from your content and from buying products or beats?
- Is the text on your site spammy? Meaning is it all talk about BUY, BUY, BUY!
- Does the content on your website sound professional?
- When visiting your site, does it look like your site is run by a real person, or is it just a faceless website?
- Do all your homepage banners link properly? Does the messaging meet your goals?
- Is your logo the right size in the header and does it look right next to the social icons? Is your logo too big and pushing your site down?
- Do you have too many links in the navigation menu?
- Does your website look glitchy because of bad code and plugin add-ons?
- Do you have nice-looking images or are your images blurred or stretched?
- Does your homepage banners link to external sites? If so, is it your goal to send people away from your site as soon as they land on your site?
- Are your beat names easy to remember?
- Have you researched your competitor’s websites to see what they are going great?
- Do you have professional-looking branding?
- Have you tested all contact and email forms?
Related: 5 Pages Your Beat Selling Website Should Have
What are the top items on your website checklist?