8 Reasons Your Beats Are Not Selling

Here are a couple of reasons why your beats are not selling.

8 Reasons Your Beats Are Not Selling

Reasons People May Not Buy Your Beats

1. Your Beats Aren’t Good

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but if your beats are bad, no one is going to buy them.

I don’t know if your beats are good or bad, so I suggest you get feedback from other music producers and music artists.

Getting feedback can be tough, but good constructive criticism can help us get better and grow.

2. Your Beat Prices Are Wrong

It would be best if you run tests to make sure your beat prices are right for the audience visiting your website.

Research your competitors to see what they are charging.

Maybe run weekly tests changing your beat prices to see what works to get the most sales.

Related: How to Price Beats ( Pricing Stats )

3. You Have Limited Music Genres

You want to make sure you have a wide selection of beats in different music genres.

If you only make trap beats, you won’t meet the needs of many music artists.

So try to have at least 10 high-quality beats in the most popular music genres you can think of.

4. Your Website Is Difficult to Use

You want to make the beat buying process as simple as possible.

It would be best if you treated some users like they were dumb and had no experience using a website.

I see way too many websites with too many distractions, hard-to-read text, too dark or too bright colors, so you don’t know what to focus on, and so much more.

Keep your beat-selling website simple.

Limit distractions, and keep the beat buying process simple.

Consider adding instructions on how to buy beats with a 1, 2, 3 step process.

Related: Create a Beat Selling Website

5. You Haven’t Established Trust

If a website visitors do not trust you, they aren’t going to feel comfortable giving you money.

So, it would be best if you worked on doing things to establish trust.

Ways to build trust:

  • Offer a money-back guarantee
  • Have an SSL certificate on your website
  • Have a discography page of completed work
  • Share customer testimonials

6. Your Website Looks Scammy

If your website doesn’t look professional, and you are just trying to get people to give you money, people aren’t going to trust you.

Look like a professional music producer and not an online scam website.

If you aren’t sure about your website, google search “beats for sale” and look at the top beat-selling website results for inspiration.

7. Your Intros Are Too Long

People are very impatient online. If you have very long intros, cut the beats down to the good parts to get people excited faster.

8. You Don’t Get Enough Traffic

I shared in Why You Aren’t Getting Beat Sells – Understanding Website Conversion Rates, that you will probably need 100 visitors to get 3 to 5 sales.

If people aren’t coming to your website to listen to beats, you won’t get sales.

More traffic = more beat sales.

Also, keep in mind it may take visitors 3 to 5 visits before they buy a beat.

So that’s it.

How are you doing with selling beats online?

Do you have any tips for other music producers?

Thanks for reading.

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Mark V.

Written By Mark Valenzuela

Mark Valenzuela is a professional blogger, entrepreneur, and educator with more than 15 years of experience in music production. In 2008, Mark founded Hip Hop Makers, a top resource for aspiring music producers and beatmakers. He specializes in content on music production, software, gear, and free music resources. Committed to empowering creators of all levels, Mark continues to inspire and help music creators pursue their dreams.

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