Here are the best rap courses online for beginners and pros to write better rap lyrics and become a lyricist.
These rap courses cover a wide variety of topics, from how to freestyle, rhyming tips, popular songwriting tools, and how to write better songs.
Whether you are a new rapper or a pro, these courses can help you out.
All these online rap courses are on Skillshare. You can get access to all these classes by signing up for a 30-day free trial. Cancel at any time.
Skillshare has over 28,000 online classes covering all music production aspects from audio recording, music theory, mixing, piano, and more.

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Best Rap Courses Online
- How To Rap Masterclass
- How To Rap Like The Pros: The Verse
- Flow Like The Notorious B.I.G.
- Freestyle Rap Exercises For Beginners
- How to Write a 16-Bar Rap
- How To Freestyle Rap
- How To Rap Like Drake
- Start to Finish Rap Song
- How to Freestyle & Write Rap Lyrics
- How To Freestyle Rap In 5 Steps
- How to Mix Vocals Like J. Cole
- Energy Techniques for Rappers
- Hip Hop Songwriting
- Creative Songwriting For Beginners
- How To Write A Song
1. How To Rap For Beginner’s Masterclass
This course is designed for beginner rappers who want to improve their skills. It provides detailed lessons on improving your flow, writing better lyrics, and freestyling like a pro.
The course includes several videos and exercises to help you improve your rap skills. It is packed with plenty of information that is helpful for rap beginners.
It consists of both music theory lessons and practical exercises to help you understand rap music better.
Students: 2,200+ | Rating: 99%
What’s Covered
- How To Freestyle Rap Intro
- How To Freestyle Rap Step
- Rapscript Exercise + Freestyle Sesh
- What Are Beats, Bars, And BPM
- Counting Bars & How To Find The Beat
- How Many Bars Make A Song
- 4 Steps To Flow On Any Beat
- How To Make Words Flow On Beat
- Mumble Rap, Gibberish, And Scatting
- Slant Rhyme And Phonetic Families Chart
- Multi Syllable Rhyme Schemes
- How To Use Rhymezone
- Google Hack To Find Multi-Syllable Rhymes
- Crazy 5-Step Rap Writing Technique Anyone Can Use
- Rap Bar Sheets
- Couplets, 4 Bar Theory, And Quatrains
- 4 Steps For A Deeper Sounding Rap Voice
- Breath Control And Belly Breathing
- Wordplay Basics Introduction
- Wordplay Basics Homonyms
- Wordplay Basics Homophones
- Wordplay Basics Oronyms
- Phrase Play & Idioms
2. How To Rap Like The Pros: The Verse
Rap is not an easy art form to master. Not only does it take years of dedication to master, but you must also be very dedicated to this craft.
If you are not, it will be nearly impossible for you to make much headway in this world.
Luckily for those who want to take the challenge, this course can teach you how to rap like the pros.
It’ll walk you through the different topics that will help transform your rapping game into what you want.
The courses are designed for beginners and hip-hop veterans alike so that anyone can benefit from them.
Students: 800+ | Rating: 99%
What’s Covered
- What’s a Verse?
- Drum & Word Placement
- Copying Flow Patterns
- Replacing Flow With Words
- Exercise: Fit the Words to the Flow
- Creating a Song Concept
- Creating a Word Bank
- Creating Flow for First 4 Lines
- Flowing at Different Tempos
- Exercise: Flowing at Different Tempos
- Adding a Few Words to Start
- Adding More Words to Finish Lines
- Finishing the Verse
- Adding Backups and FX
- Additional Tips
3. How To Rap With Amazing Flow Like The Notorious B.I.G.
This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to rap with a fantastic flow. You’ll learn how to scat like The Notorious B.I.G. and experiment with different flows until you find your unique style.
The course also covers using melodic flow, soft and loud sounds, high and low pitches, and adding emotion to your lyrics.
Students: 100+ | Rating: 99%
What’s Covered
- Rap Flow Skillshare intro edit
- Rap Flow Exercises
- Experimental Flows
- Go Crazy
- Melodic Flow
- Soft and Loud
- High and Low
- Emotional Power
- Get Weird
- Melody
- Student Requested To Hear Me Rap
4. Freestyle Rap Exercises For Beginners
This course is designed to help beginners learn how to freestyle rap. The course includes video lessons and exercises that will help you improve your rap skills.
Freestyle rap is much more than just spitting words out at random. Major techniques and skills are needed to put together an excellent freestyle rap.
What’s Covered
- Intro To Freestyle Rap For Beginners
- Start Easily Freestyling with Baby Talk
- Elementary Freestyle Skills
- Breaking Out The Box Of Rhymes
- Telling Your Freestyle Rap Story
- Push Your Breath Control While Rapping
- How To Freestyle Rap About Things Around You
- Freestyle About Your Surroundings
- Freestyle Tips To Keep You From G
5. How to Write a 16-Bar Rap (in 12 Steps)
This 12-step rap writing course is an excellent primer for beginners who want to learn how to write rap lyrics. It takes you through the process step by step and provides helpful tips along the way. If you’re looking to improve your rap skills, this is a course you don’t want to miss.
Students: 800+ | Rating: 93%
6. How To Freestyle Rap: Rhythm, Lyrics & Delivery
This course is perfect for beginners who want to freestyle rap in a fun and creative way or for more advanced rappers who need some fresh ideas.
It covers the fundamental elements of rapping, including rhyming, rhythm, lyrics, and delivery.
This course will teach you everything from preparing your voice to make it sound better on record to filling up your vocabulary with more words.
Students: 2,900+ | Rating: 99%
What’s Covered
- Rhythm
- Lyrics Part: Topics & More
- Delivery
- Never Run Out of Bars
- Tools To Get Going
- Where to Find Beats
- Switching Flows
- Rap Over Any Beat
- Cypher Etiquette
7. How To Rap Like Drake: Songwriting Masterclass
This course is designed to teach students how to rap like Drake. The instructor breaks down the songwriting process and offers his insights into writing a hit rap song.
He also analyzes Drake’s music and discusses some of the techniques that he uses in his songs.
Students: 250+
What’s Covered
- Sandra’s Rose Flow/Rhymes
- Sandra’s Rose Descriptive Language
- Pound Cake Flow/Rhymes
- Pound Cake Figurative Language
8. Start to Finish Rap Song (Including Vocals)
This course is an excellent way to learn the process of making a rap song from beginning to end. The course includes a preview of the beat, arranging the beat, tracking the vocals, mixing, and mastering.
Students: 100+ | Rating: 99%
What’s Covered
- RAP Beat preview
- The Beat
- Arranging The Beat
- Rough Mix
- Tracking the vocal
- Re Do’s
- Mixing
- Mastering
9. How to Freestyle & Write Rap Lyrics
This course teaches students the basic concepts of rap, from writing rap lyrics to freestyle.
There are different topics about rap, such as rhyming and flow, which are covered in various videos that include lectures and demonstrations.
Students: 650+ | Rating: 83%
What’s Covered
- What Is Freestyling
- What Is a Punchline
- Freestyle Using Objects
- Freestyling Using a Word
- Tips for Freestyling
- Action Steps for Freestyling
- Bringing People on Stage
- How I Write Rap Lyrics
- Bonus: How To Record Over a Beat
10. Learn How To Freestyle Rap In 5 Easy Steps!
This course is designed for beginner rappers who want to learn how to freestyle rap. In 5 easy steps, you will be able to develop your rap skills and incorporate them into your freestyle raps.
Students: 2,400+ | Rating: 89%
What’s Covered
- How to Freestyle Introduction
- Learning to Rhyme with Exercise
- Adding Music and Filler with Exercise
- Adding Intelligent Filler with Exercise
- Telling a Story with Exercise
11. How to Mix Vocals Like J. Cole: Mix Rap & Hip-Hop Vocals
If you’re looking to learn how to mix rap and hip-hop vocals like J. Cole, this is the course for you.
The course will teach you the techniques and tricks to help you create studio-quality mixes in your bedroom.
What’s Covered
- J. Cole Vocals Overview
- EQing The Vocal
- Compression + De Essing
- Controlling The Vocal
- Effects + Final Tips
12. Unlock Your Voice: Energy Techniques for Rappers
If you’re looking to improve your rap or singing voice, this course is a great option.
The course is designed to help you unleash your natural vocal power and increase your range. You’ll learn how to connect with your audience and make a powerful impression.
Students: 650+ | Rating: 80%
What’s Covered
- Physical Exercises
- Breathing
- Toning
- Your True Rap Voice [Fixed Vol]
- Rapping With Energy
- Finding Resonance with Your Space
- Being Comfortable and Confident
- Tapping Into an Emotional State
- Putting it all together
13. Hip Hop Songwriting: Writing to Avoid Clichés
This course covers everything that you need to know about rap. A lot of the stuff is exciting things, but it will help you be a better lyricist. It’s never too late to learn how to write more exciting lyrics.
Students: 3,400+ | Rating: 88%
What’s Covered
- Overview: Class Project
- Structure of a Rap Song
- Picking a Topic
- Rhyming in a Rap Song
- Selecting “Good” References
- Writing for Impact
- Bringing it All Together
14. Creative Songwriting For Beginners | Rap Lessons
This course will help you learn how to rap, write lyrics and melody. You’ll be able to explore the creative process of making music and learn how to write your songs.
Students: 2,400+ | Rating: 91%
What’s Covered
- Anatomy Of A Song
- Identifying The Genre Of A Song
- Song Structures
- The Importance Of Titles
- Writing Lists
- Overcoming Writer’s Block
15. How To Write A Song! Basics Of Songwriting: Writing Lyrics
This is a course that will teach you how to write rap lyrics.
Rap lyrics might have the same rhyme schemes as poetry, but they’re easier to learn because most rap songs are sung rather than spoken. Learning the basics of songwriting will help you learn how to create good rap lyrics with ease.
Students: 1500+ | Rating: 86%
What’s Covered
- Basics of Songwriting
- Theme
- Content
- Structure
- Rhymes
Frequently Asked Questions
Are There Rap Classes?
Rap is generally self-taught through listening to others or by looking up rap lessons on the internet, taking a course in Hip Hop allows learning from experienced instructors and other students.
How Do You Study Rap?
If you are looking to study rap, you have several options available. You can take online courses, buy books, or perhaps even go for lessons a real-life instructor offers. Whichever option you feel is most appropriate for your needs, many people will gladly teach you everything they know about the art of rap.
Can You Learn To Rap Online?
Learning to rap online is one of the most accessible options out there. You can choose from many websites that offer lessons, courses, books, or even teaching by real-life rap instructors.
Online rap courses can help aspiring rappers and music producers learn fast and perfect their craft.
Through video lessons packed with rap writing techniques and a comprehensive beginners masterclass, these courses empower learners to master the art of hip hop truly.
With a focus on writing lyrics and learning to write rhymes with precision, each course allows beginners to dive deep into the world of rap music.
Whether you’re interested in music production or want to write raps that captivate your audience, there’s a perfect course waiting for you.
Thanks to industry experts, the classes cover everything from sound and rhythm, lyrics and delivery, to song creation and the ability to rap fast.
For those at any skill level, these online rapping lessons are an invaluable resource for exploring and developing your unique sound.
The variety of online rap classes allows every learner to find the perfect fit, as the content may vary based on your specific needs and aspirations.
If you’re an aspiring rapper, taking rap lessons and enrolling in a rapping course will undoubtedly provide you with the skills and knowledge to break into the music scene.
Whether it’s a beginner course, a rapping course, or a rap for beginners class, the goal is to become a master of rap and express your art through music.
I hope these rap courses help you on your journey to becoming a better rapper.
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